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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

St Edward's C of E Primary School

Love each other and know we are loved (John 13:34-35)

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Communication and Interaction

Children may have a delay or disorder in one or more of the following areas:

How we adapt teaching to ensure access to the curriculum

How we provide support and intervention for those with identified needs

Attention/interaction skills: May have difficulty ignoring distractions. Need reminders to keep attention. May need regular prompts to stay on task. May need individualised motivation in order to complete tasks. Difficulty attending in whole class. Interaction will not always be appropriate. May have peer relationship difficulties. May not be able to initiate or maintain a conversation.

Understanding Receptive Language: May need visual support to understand or process spoken language. May need augmented communication systems. Frequent misunderstandings. Repetition of language and some basic language needs to be used to aid their understanding

Speech/Expressive Language: May use simplified language and limited vocabulary. Ideas/conversations may be difficult to follow, with the need to request frequent clarification. Some immaturities in the speech sound system. Grammar/phonological awareness still fairly poor and therefore their literacy could be affected.

Staff model correct use of language by subtle repetition

Children are given more opportunities to share their ideas with others – ‘show and tell’, initially small groups moving onto larger groups and then the whole class.

Pre-taught new vocabulary

Targeted use of drama


Follow specific recommendations from specialist agencies.

Use of buddy system

Refer children to the speech and language service for support and advice.

Provide trained teaching assistants to run speech and language programmes in school. This may be on a one to one basis or in small groups.

Regular feedback to parents/carers giving suggestions of how they can help their children at home.

Whole school oracy policy

Visual timetables

Scaffolding within lessons

Use of Mabel (school dog) as a talk partner

Talk partners