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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

St Edward's C of E Primary School

Love each other and know we are loved (John 13:34-35)

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Local Academy Board (LAB)




Chris Breakell  -  Chairperson

Dominic Jones - Vice Chairperson

Lisa Tromans - Clerk 


Ray Evanson  

Christine Oakley

Kevin Martin

Laura Clarke

Maurice Walker-Prior

Margaret Beever

Kerrie Lewis

Becky Elvins

Ewan Evans



The Local Academy Board has delegated responsibilities, as outlined in the scheme of delegation. The principle function of the LAB is school improvement.

The Chairperson meets fortnightly with the Headteacher.

The LAB meet half termly.

LAB members make visits to the school throughout the year.

Record of attendance at meetings can be found here