How do we support children moving between different phases of education?
From pre-school to Dragonfly Class.
- Visits from the class teacher to pre-school settings.
- A series of induction visits during the Summer Term before the child starts in September.
- Class teacher meets with pre-school providers for an exchange of information.
- Each child has a Year 6 and Year 2 Buddy.
- Class teacher holds interviews with the parents before they start school full time.
- Parents evening during the Summer Term for parents of children starting in September.
From Class to Class within the School.
- Children will have a ‘taster session’ in their new class.
- Teachers liaise to share PCPs and other information and reports.
- Progress data is shared.
Children in Year 6 moving to Secondary School.
- We work closely with our local secondary schools. The year 7 coordinators will visit the children in St Edward’s Primary School.
- The SENDCo and year 7 co-ordinator are invited to attend the annual review meeting of any child with an EHC plan.
- The Year 6 class teacher will meet with the SENDCo and year 7 coordinator of the secondary school the child is moving to in order to share information and discuss the specific needs of the pupil.
- Extra induction visits may be arranged to the secondary school if appropriate.
- There may be a small group set up in school to help those children who may find the change hardest.